Steps to improve your routine as a student (major things for studying alone)

Basic 5 topics to consider and work on to create your study life.

I had struggled a lot while studying alone. Sometimes frustrations, sometimes that same old sensation of being lost in your own goals. But there are some things that helped me to follow a solid useful perspective to create my study routine and consistency.


If you would like to improve your grades or knowledge about some topic, you should save a part of your day. Studying is a habit and if you don’t have this habit you need to know how to construct it. You can start analyzing your routine and where these hours of your daytime will settle. When you are more productive, what is the place more propitious to improve your concentration, what days do you have more time, and what days don’t have it? Those questions will help you to understand how to build a schedule that actually works for you.


This may be the most challenging one. Having constancy can feel really hard with all external things and old habits keeping you questioning yourself or making you procrastinate. An important factor to keep a habit or routine is being realistic about your daily limitations and goals. If you plan too many things to do, and you are not used to it, your chances of completing everything are low. If you sleep late because of x factor, you will not wake up at 5/6 am and have the most productive study morning of your life and keep it everyday if you are physically or mentally tired. It is important to understand that you will gradually improve your routine as you follow it along the days, since discipline requires constancy, you need to keep it real to make it work.

However, this mentality of doing whatever you need to do even when you are not feeling so is related to the reasons you are following this. If you are deeply connected to your purposes and you know it well, you have more chances to follow your plans, to remind you why you challenge yourself everyday and put effort in what really matters.

Having mini goals

Adjust your study challenges in a way that you improve gradually, it’s more realistic and accessible. And you can make this by creating mini goals.

It is unquestionable that not only big achievements are the only achievements. In your path, you will find many little obstacles, maybe in your routine, maybe in your outside life. All those factors will impact your journey, having an idea that you will need mini achievements during your effort to make things happen are going to make you create mini goals that will help you go through this.

You can make this by creating for example: simple schedules, gradually increasing your goal scores, gradually increasing your study time, going to mini challenges in those subjects that are harder for you, etc. Don’t just create huge goals,you need to learn to focus on the smallest things too. Those little adjusts and achievements will make your big goal closer to you, and your journey happier.

Organizing your study materials

Sometimes you just know that you have to study for some topic but don’t even know where to start or which materials to study. This makes you waste your time. If you want to study some topic you should organize your materials before starting. You can start looking at the materials left by your teacher if there is anything, looking for trust sites, books, or anything that gives you a source of what you need to know. Make some previous notes about the hardest parts and put those materials in order. When you start studying you will already start working on something instead of just planning or looking at random content that can make you confused.

Discovering your right method.

Everybody talks about that, and that is true. You shouldn’t just try the way you were taught, but other methods of study. Depending on the subject, you can have different methods that can work. ex; flashcards and active recall are good for memorizing and understanding concepts but exercises or simulations are better for practical subjects or math subjects. If you always try the same methods, you will be stuck at the same level of learning.

Studying alone can be challenging, however, if you know how to do it, there are no limits to your productivity once you are in school, university, or any place that requires intellectual effort.


Step by step and maybe I will be the cool kid.


Today your words would fit perfectly for me